ONLINE International Congress of Management, Economy and Policy (ICOMEP’22)

8-9 October 2022

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Please Click for ICOMEP’22 Program

Please Click for ICOMEP’22 Abstract Book

Distinguished Sciencetists,

We are honored to invite you to the ONLINE INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MANAGEMENT, ECONOMY AND POLICY 2022 which will be held on October 8-9th, 2022, Istanbul/TURKIYE. ICOMEP’22 will be organized through the cooperation of the Ankara Social Sciences University,Düzce University, Trakya University Bursa Uludağ University, Giresun University and Bandırma Onyedi Eylul University . ONLINE ICOMEP’22 provides researchers with the opportunity to present, share and discuss new ideas and current topics.

  • Papers on management, economy and politics will be accepted. The multi-disciplinary studies carried out in the near areas will be evaluated by the organization commitee.
  • Oral or poster presentations are optional.
  • After your acceptance letter is received, please kindly complete the application by uploading the bank receipt image and the signed registration form image to the relevant fields on the Applications page.
  • The language of the ICOMEP’22 is Turkish and English.


You can apply to the congress by uploading your abstracts to the system after you finish your registration from Registration and Submission System until September 1st, 2022.

  • Abstracts should be at least 100 words and should not exceed 300 words.
  • The application must include the Title, Abstract, Key Words and JEL Codes.
  • All authors’ titles, institutional names, e-mail addresses, faculty and department information must be written completely.
  • The participant can follow the process on the web site after he/she finishes the application.
  • The author who will present the paper will be responsible for the application process. The organization committee will contact with the corrensponding author and all of the process will be followed with him/her.
  • Participants can follow the application process under the Applications section of your Membership page.
  • In all steps of your application Please kindly check your SPAM box (Junk/Unnecessary mail) in case the email can be sent to SPAM box.
  • Full texts should be prepared in accordance with our Template File.
  • The papers prepared in accordance with the ICOMEP Template file will be uploaded into the Registration and Submision System from the Full Text Loading Tab under the Applications Tab.
  • The papers which are not prepared in accordance with the ICOMEP Template file will not be published in proceedings book. Instead, they will be published in abstract book.
  • Full papers should be between 3000 and 5000 words in length including title, abstract, and references. The manuscripts that do not follow this limit will be rejected.
  • The participant can download ICOMEP Template File and ICOMEP Registration Form from this links and also from the Documents tab located at our Registration and Submission System .


All abstracts will be published electronically in the ICOMEP’22 Abstracts Book with the ISBN number as PDF. In addition, all full text papers will be published electronically in the ICOMEP’22 Proceedings Book with the ISBN number as PDF.

Abstract Book and Proceedings Book will be published on November 30, 2022.

The presented papers will have oppurtunity to be published in one of the papers listed below after the blind review. Please note that the participant should upload their paper to the releated journals.


Abstract Submission Deadline: 

    • September 1, 2022

Full Text Submission Deadline

    • November 1, 2022

Registration Deadline: 

    • September 1, 2022


  • Full papers should be between 3000 and 5000 words in length including title, abstract, and references. The manuscripts that do not follow the restrictions will be rejected.
  • Full text submission is optional. The researchers may participate in the congress just with abstract paper.
  • Abstract papers will be published in the Abstract Book.
  • The papers which are not presented in the congress will be published in the “poster presentations part” of the full text book or abstract book.


Please click here for ICOMEP Topics

1 İktisat teorisinde son gelişmeler
2 Yönetim teorisinde son gelişmeler
3 Medya-Ekonomi-Siyaset
4 Siyaset teorisinde son gelişmeler
5 Finansal krizler ve kriz yönetimi
6 Güncel siyasi ve ekonomik gelişmeler
7 Siyaset bilimi ve siyasal kurumlar
8 Modern yönetim teknikleri
9 Siyaset-ekonomi ilişkileri
10 Siyaset teorisi ve siyasal konular
11 Güncel siyasal meseleler
12 Yönetim modelleri
13 Uygulamalı iktisat
14 Uluslararası iktisadi kurum ve kuruluşlar
15 İstikrar programları
16 Küreselleşme
17 Yolsuzluk ve yozlaşma araştırmalarır
18 İşsizlik ve istihdam sorunları
19 Para teorisi, para politikası ve merkez bankacılığı
20 Bankacılık ve finansal kurumlar
21 Sigortacılık
22 Göç
23 Sektörel yapı ve analiz
24 Sermaye hareketleri ve doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımları
25 Maliye teorisi ve maliye politikası
26 Borçlanma
27 Vergi teorisi ve politikası
28 Ulaşım ekonomisi – Tarım Ekonomisi ve Tarımsal Politikalar
29 Kentleşme ve kentsel dönüşüm
30 Sürdürülebilir kalkınma
31 Enerji ekonomisi ve enerji politikaları
32 Eğitim ekonomisi
33 Sağlık ekonomisi
34 Sağlık turizmi
35 Teknoloji iktisadı
36 Yeni ekonomi ve beşeri sermaye
37 İktisat tarihi
38 Osmanlı ve Avrupa iktisat tarihi
39 İslam ekonomisinde teorik ve güncel meseleler
40 İslami finans ve katılım bankacılığı
41 İslam ülkeleri arasındaki iktisadi, sosyal ve siyasi ilişkiler
42 Sivil Toplum Örgütleri
43 Yerel Yönetimler ve belediyecilik
44 KOBİ’lerin üretim, finansman ve yönetim sorunları
45 Çevre ekonomisi ve çevre sorunları
46 Sürdürülebilir kalkınma
47 Yönetim ve organizasyon
48 Üretim yönetimi ve Pazarlama
49 İnsan Kaynakları ekonomisi ve yönetimi
50 Muhasebe ve Finans yönetimi
51 İstatistik ve Ekonometrik yöntemler
52 Savunma ekonomisi ve savunma harcamaları
53 Avrupa Birliği
54 İlgili Konular


1st Paper Fee 2nd Paper Fee
3rd Paper Fee
Kayıt Ücreti 40 € 20 € 10 €

The deadline for the payment of registration fees is September 1, 2022.

  • The maksimum number of papers to be presented to ICOMEP is 3. The excessive papers will be rejected.
  • Please kindly note that all bank charges and commissions should be paid by the participant.
  • Paper registration fees are only for the attendee who will present the paper.
  • Participation certificates will be prepared for registered participants and will not be given to other authors who do not have a registration.
  • Participation certificates and invoices will be sent by e-mail to the participants.
  • The signed registration form image should be uploaded to the Registration and Submission system by the last day of the Registration
    • EURO Account Information (Just for registration payment in EURO) 

For all your questions and suggestions, please contact us via email at

Acoount Name: Akusıtech Marifet Stratejik Uluslararası Teknoloji Sağlık Turizmi Ve Eğitim Danışmanlığı Limited Şirketi
Bank Name : Turkiye Vakif Katilim Bankasi
IBAN No: TR93 0021 0000 0005 2914 7001 03 (USD)
TR66 0021 0000 0005 2914 7001 04 (EUR)
WESTERN UNION: Please share MTCN number when you finalize the payment via Western Union



ICOMEP'20 Records - 2020